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Saturday, September 5, 2009

$.50 Chinet plates at Albertsons

Albertson's has Chinet paper plates on sale for $2.50 ( price valid until Tuesday). In the 8/9 SS, there is a coupon for $2/1 Chinet Lunch plates (36-72 ct.) I went today and Albertson's has the lunch plates included in the sale (36 ct. variety). Final price $.50 with coupon.

What a great frugal deal!

1 comment:

Camille said...

Argh! I just read this today. Of course! :-) I checked Wal-Mart @ Centennial and they did not have any Chinet anywhere. I also noticed Muir Glen tomatoes are gone...!

I've been meaning to come over and check out your blog! I've subscribed!