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Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Blinkie" Coupons

First, let's begin with the coupon terminology. A "blinkie" is a coupon that the store will have in the little machines all around the store. These are the coupons my kids like to pull a million times. I learned that stores will put the "blinkie" coupon out the week or so before they put that particular item on sale. I had no idea! The other day one of my boys pulled a bunch of coupons for Quaker granola bars. The next week they were on sale for a "rock bottom" price ( or as low as they will ever go). So I used my coupons on top of the sale price and stocked up on a ton of granola bars. I got the boxes of granola bars for less than $.50 a box. So exciting! We go through these quickly at my house.


Yoakum said...

I posted my first shopping picture and noted all that I saved on my blog! Exciting!!!

Kristi said...

Awesome idea!